Healthy Holiday Guide

Enjoy the holidays while honouring your health goals.

The holidays are a time to reflect on the year that was and make plans for the one to come. As you connect with family and friends this holiday, remember to practice habits that contribute to your health as well as the enjoyment of festive season. Here is our guide to help keep you on track towards good health both now and in the year ahead. Need a reminder to practice these habits? (Don’t we all!) Click the button at the end of the article to download a printable version.

Stick close to your normal routine

Stay consistent. Consume your typical meals around the main course for that day. Lighten up or use a meal replacement at an earlier meal but be sure to not skip meals. Eating balanced meals before the holiday meal event will decrease your chances of overindulging because you arrived too hungry.

Stay Hydrated

Mild dehydration can often be masked as feelings of hunger. Maintaining proper hydration is crucial all year long, including during the holidays. Drink up those no or low calorie beverages - add a splash of festive juice like cranberry or pomegranate to sparkling water or brew a seasonal herbal tea like peppermint.

Prioritize Protein

Protein is the most satiating macro-nutrient, allowing you to feel full more quickly and for longer. Ensure good sources of protein like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and beans make an appearance on your plate at each meal. Add a source at a snack - shrimp, lean charcuterie meats, bean dips or cheese are all great protein options.

Fit in Favorites

Remember to enjoy dishes you really love and look forward to the most. Slow down and savor your favorite foods in a mindful portion. Planned indulgences are part of an 80/20 mindset and a healthy holiday.

Keep Active

Physical activity is not only great for your physical health but it can be a great tool to manage holiday stress. Try short 10 minutes walks after meals.

Try a new healthful holiday recipe

Build on traditions by trying a new healthful recipe - LEAF's dietitians are ready to help you find your new favourite . For example this Quinoa Winter Fruit Salad recipe. We have several new holiday recipes posted for you to try. Check them out in the recipe tab.


3 Reasons to see a Registered Dietitian


Meal Replacements: fewer decisions, more success